Early Childhood Intervention Services (ECIS)

  1. About this service

    Provides parents and families with the knowledge, skills and support to meet the needs of their child who have a disability or developmental delay to optimise the child’s development and ability to participate. Services include special education, therapy, counselling, service planning and coordination, assistance and support to access services such as kindergarten and child care. Also provide a central point of entry for Early Childhood Intervention Services (ECIS). Central Intake gathers information and determines whether your child meets eligibility criteria for ECIS for children with a disability. In the first instance, referrals for ECIS must go to Central Intake who will work with you to identify concerns, to plan next steps and to make a referral to an ECIS agency.

      • Service name

        Early Childhood Intervention Services (ECIS)

      • Phone

        1300 720 151

      • Urgency levels

        Direct Help, Some Help, Just Curious

      • Additional age criteria

        From birth to school entry

      • Service type


  2. Early Childhood Intervention Services (ECIS)